Working from home is really, really hard.
It can be so lonely. When I worked at NBC News, I loved bantering with my colleagues, or walking together to get lunch. But here, it’s just me. Sometimes, I use social media to feel connected, but it’s too easy to fall into a trap and end up going down a rabbit hole. I go on Facebook and next thing I know, I’ve spent 20 minutes watching DIY videos on how to use a shoelace.
I can’t afford to waste that time (school pick-up doesn’t wait), so I need to unplug – but that also requires combatting the loneliness in other ways. Luckily, I have the cure sitting right beside me: my mascots, our Frenchie Lola, and a Birman kitty named Indigo.
These two girls are by my side all day long. Literally. Like within 5 feet. Lola snoozes on her blue bed while Indy dozes on the couch’s sunny spot, as cats do.
Sometimes, Indigo decides she needs to sit on my lap, or when she wants to be super helpful, she will attack my computer screen. Lola needs to go out, as dogs do, often firing warning shots in the form of pungent toots. Escaping the fumes is always a good reason to take a little walk and clear the head.
After their many-hour naps (impressive), they wrestle. Some people see the videos I share and think they are fighting. They aren’t. They’re just playing … uh, as sisters do.
Lola is almost 10 years old, but still believes she’s going to get the best of the kitty. I love that she never gives up, but we all know better. Indigo is the boss. I adore that she is 8 fluffy pounds of butt-kicking confidence.
So if you are working from home today and feel a little lonely, or need a small distraction, please enjoy a little love from the Lola and Indy show. I’m off to find them a shoelace.